Becoming a Surrogate

Steps to become a Surrogate

Step 1

Review the qualifications

Age 21 - 38

US citizen or Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder)

BMI less than 30 (some clinics may accept up to 33)

At least ONE full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy (must have given birth at least once)

No more than FIVE prior deliveries

No more than TWO prior c-sections

No more than TWO prior miscarriages

Non-smoker, non-drug user (partner must also not use drugs, if applicable)

No felonies on background check

Ability to pass thorough psychological evaluation

Stable home and finical situation

Must live in a surrogacy friendly state

Step 2


Once you have had a chance to review the qualifications in step one, and have determined that you meet all of the qualifications, the next step is applying. The application is in no way legally binding, nor does it mean that you have to move forward. This is simply a form that allows us to better assess your qualifications. Please be as thorough as possible on your application and fill in ALL fields in order for your case manager to be able to screen your application effectively.


Intake Call

Once your application has been screened by a case manager, they will reach out to you to schedule you intake call. On this call we will walk you through the entire process of becoming a surrogate, answer any questions that you may have, and go over any questions that we may have based off of your application. This call typically takes 30-45 minutes and we can work around your schedule.

Step 4

Completing Forms

After your intake call it will be time to complete agency paperwork. There will be three forms that are emailed to you:

1) Medical Records Release From - We have to order your labor and delivery records along with your OBGYN records from any prior pregnancies to ensure there were no major complications

2) Compensation Package - This form goes over all of the compensation that you will be entitled to throughout your surrogacy (this is NOT your legal contract… that happens later in the journey)

3) OBGYN Clearance Form - You will need to book and appointment with your current OBGYN to have this form signed, along with getting an updated pap smear if you did not have one in the past two years.

Once the forms have been handed back into your case manager they can work on ordering your medical records. Please note, receiving your medical records can take 2-3 weeks depending on providers and facilities. Once ALL records have been received we will be able to determine if you can officially move forward as a surrogate.

Start your journey with us.